One Leper Returned, the Nine Didn't, to Thank Jesus. Why?

Nov 26, 2022    Ryun Chang PhD

Did you have a nice Thanksgiving Day? Around this time of the year, the nine Israelis, who failed to thank Jesus for healing them of leprosy, get a lot of flak while the lone Samaritan, who did thank the Lord, gets a ton of praise. Do you really think that the nine didn’t have a thankful thought? Sure, they did, but it wasn’t enough to motivate them to return to Jesus to do what the Samaritan did: “He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.” Why? What’s the difference between them? How would you have responded if you were one of them? This videoblog shows that unless we “move” to where Jesus stays, a place called, “outside the camp,” we will do exactly what the nine did.